Friday 12 February 2016


My name is Jon, and I've been playing tabletop games since I was thirteen. Admittedly, it was AD and D, and I was a terrible mage and even worse DM.

I recently moved here with my family from the UK, in what was quite possibly the scariest thing I've ever done, next to watching my first child be born and driving on my own for the first time. I was in need of some gaming bros. Someone to roll dice against, whilst my models were being shipped from the UK, which felt like the longest wait since I went to the bank to change my online password. I found the Lodge.

Since then (and since my stuff arrived on the boat) I've been teaching my son to play 40k and Necromunda. Which is weird, because I can see myself in him when I was thirteen, trying to tell my three friends I was about to cast Grease on some pirates....which ended in me losing an arm and everyone falling down.

There is a joy watching someone open their mind to new experiences especially when it comes to creating those experiences with strangers. Our first club day, I was asked to oversee a game with my son and another of our members who hadn't played before. Nervous I would get something wrong, and yet overjoyed to watch an extremely close game unfold between two gamers 20 years in age apart. So I am thankful to be part of community that encourages this sort of thing.

That being said opening day seemed to be a huge success for me. Plenty of like minded people to chat to and compare models with, opinions on new 30k rules and the glorious, glorious gaming surfaces (Cheers Frontline Gaming and to all of our donations of scenery from other members) made for a very pleasant six hours, which passed way too quickly for my liking.

I'm now part way through Betrayal of Calth and building my Ashen Circle , another of the founding Fathers of the Lodge has offered me coaching for my meager painting skills and its another gaming day next Sunday. Pretty soon we hope to get a model swap shop up and running and even launch the ITC rules for 40k in Australia in a big way.

So if you love a game of X Wing, Mordheim, 30/40k then swing on by every second Sunday.